How to disable the resident scan (Advanced)

First, access the file resident scan area through the Resident option in the Go to menu, or by using the Panda Antivirus bar.

To disable the resident file protection, uncheck the Resident enabled option in the Resident status section. It is important to bear in mind that, from the moment the file resident is disabled, the computer will be without permanent protection, and will thus be vulnerable to contamination by viruses.

Disabling the scan by the file resident means that the files the system accesses will not be scanned. However, the file resident will still be loaded in memory despite not being enabled. Moreover, the resident will continue to be loaded in memory each time the computer is booted, regardless of the fact that it is not enabled.

Unload: the advanced mode includes an additional option which makes it possible to unload the resident module from memory. When this is done, the file resident will not be loaded when the computer is booted.